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SwiftData: Solving data persistence on disk

This is the first part of a series called Learning Swift where I build an app for sailors from scratch.

After watching the WWDC2023 presentation of SwiftData, I decided to try it.

I wanted to persist my model’s data between relaunches but I couldn’t make it work. The autosave feature didn’t work as expected. Based on the documentation, this feature is activated by default.

After a few hours, I discovered that the option isAutosaveEnabled of a ModelContainer is only set to true when you don’t instance a ModelContainer yourself.

// Here I create a ModelContainer for the Boat model.
let container: ModelContainer = {
    do {
        let container = try ModelContainer(
            for: Boat.self, ModelConfiguration()
        return container
    } catch {
        fatalError("Failed to create container")

// And I pass it to my view
struct OnshoreApp: App {

    var body: some Scene {
            WindowGroup {

In this case, the isAutosaveEnabled is set to false.

But if I write this:

struct OnshoreApp: App {

    var body: some Scene {
            WindowGroup {
            .modelContainer(for: Boat.self)

Now the isAutosaveEnabled is set to true!

I only found out by watching Dive deeper into SwiftData (timestamps 11:00).